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Become A Member

Join us here at the Wyndemere Fitness Center. Whether you want access to all our classes and equipment or stop by for a quick cardio session, we offer something for everyone.  Make the commitment to your health.

Senior Yoga Class
School Application

Membership Application

Help us create a safe and effective program for you.  By completing the health history form, it allows our fitness staff to prescribe classes and activities that both address your needs and help you achieve your goals.

Medical Record Analysis

Physician Consent Form

We require a Physician Consent Form for all of our members.  Its our way of letting your doctor know that you are planning to begin an exercise program.  No doctor's appointment necessary. Just fill in your name, birth-date and the doctor's name, and we'll do the rest.  If your physician sends back any recommendations or limitations, that information will be shared with you.

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Waiver & Release of Liability

Some activities, like exercise, are considered inherently dangerous and those who participate in such activities sign a release form acknowledging that they are assuming the responsibility for their voluntary participation in such activities.


Photo Release

The photo release is a legal release signed by the subject of a photograph granting Wyndemere and NIFS permission to publish the photograph in one form or another.  You may choose to approve or decline.  Please indicate your selection on the form.

Go Team

Policies and procedures

The Fitness Center guidelines have been established to ensure your enjoyment and safety when using the facility.  As a member or guest, your cooperation and consideration in observing these policies is appeciated.   Failure to comply with the guidelines could result in membership termination.  These policies are fluid and staff reserve the right to change them, as needed, at any time. Please review this form and return it to the Fitness Center.

Wyndemere Fitness Center

PHONE: 630-681-4502

FAX: 630-681-4036

200 Wyndemere Circle

Wheaton, IL  60187


Located on the Garden Level of the Wyndemere Campus.


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